gtag('config', 'UA-169196510-1'); Easy to fight very hard to match

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Easy to fight very hard to match


Easy to break, very hard to stay connected

Easy to break, very hard to stay connected

The donkey was tied to a tree. Satan came and opened it. The donkey ran to the fields and began to destroy the standing crop.  

Series of events happened

When the farmer's wife saw this, she angrily killed the donkey.

Seeing the donkey's body, the donkey's owner became very angry and shot the farmer's wife. The farmer was so enraged by his wife's death that he shot the donkey's owner.

Easy to fight very hard to match

 When the donkey owner's wife heard the news of her husband's death, she angrily ordered her sons to burn down the farmer's house. The sons left in the evening and happily obeyed their mother's orders. He assumed that the farmer's house had been burnt down.

But that did not happen. The farmer returned and killed the donkey's owner's three wives and sons.
He then repented and asked Satan that this should not have happened. Why did this happen?

Easy to fight very hard to match

The devil said I did nothing. I just opened the donkey but you all reacted, reacted more and let the devil inside you come out.
So next time, before you respond, react, take revenge on someone, stop and think for a moment..

 Take Care

Take care. Sometimes the devil leaves only the donkey among us and we do the rest ourselves

 Donkeys on different forums 

Easy to fight very hard to match

Daily TV channels release donkeys.Someone leaves a donkey in the group. Someone leaves a donkey on Facebook  You and I fight in groups of friends and in the realm of party politics or ideology.

 Be happy with a smile together.

Be happy smile together


 * Easy to break, very hard to stay connected ...  

* Easy to fight, very hard to match ...




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