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Conference on Hindutva


Conference on Hindutva

What is Hindutva ?

Hindutva refers to a century-old right-wing movement that aims to create an ethnic Hindu state out of a multicultural India, home to more than 200 million Muslims.

Dismantling Global Hindutva

Cosponsored by departments and centers of more than 53 universities was held in Boston USA.

International universities most of them from the US, including Harvard, Stanford, , Princeton , Stockten University, North Western University, University of California, University of Pennsylvania Ohio State University.

Conference discussed various issues relating to the Hindu supremacist ideology in India and elsewhere.

Conference hosted host various panels on global Hindutva, caste oppression, Islamophobia, and the persecution of minorities in India, featuring more than 25 academicians, activists, and journalists as speakers.

Dismantling Global Hindutva
Hitler-style hate power 

 Over the past three weeks, the organizers and speakers of the conference have been on a receiving end of harassment and intimidation by various Hindu right-wing groups and individuals staunchly opposing the conference, calling it a “Hinduphobic gathering

Harassment and intimidation

 Organisers and speakers face harassment and intimidation by Hindu right-wing groups in the US and India.

Conference on Hindutva

Poet and caste activist Meena Kandasamy

A conference participant ,Poet and caste activist Meena Kandasamy, received multiple emails warning her against participating in the conference. On Twitter and Instagram, the Hindu right targeted her family, her children and even issued death threats

Conference on Hindutva


She was continuously harassed because a poem she wrote 10 years ago was picked up by Hindu groups, alleging it was offensive and ridiculed Hindu gods.

What was the purpose of  Conference

 The conference administrators said that the approach of conference was mere academic.Conference aimed at expanding the production of knowledge about Hindutva, including a critical analysis of its claim to represent Hindus, Hinduism, and Indian culture,

Dismantling Global Hindutva

Hindutva: The polar opposite of Hinduism

Hindutva is almost the polar opposite of Hinduism. It is an aggressive political movement aimed at installing an exclusivist, Hindu nationalist regime in India, in line with right-wing authoritarian movements in many other parts of the world today and requires careful study and analysis, which is what the ‘Dismantling Hindutva Conference’ will contribute to.


 What is Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh?

Georgetown University’s Bridge Initiative has compiled a fact sheet on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

Founded in 1925 by K.B Hedgewar, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is an Indian right-wing, Hindu nationalist, paramilitary volunteer organization. In 2020, RSS had almost 585,000 members and over 57,000 branches or sakhas, including a trade union wing (Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh), women’s wing (Rashtriya Sevika Samiti), student wing (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad), and economic wing (Swadeshi Jagaran Manch). The Print, an Indian news outlet, estimates that 3 out of 4 ministers in the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are members of the RSS, including the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

Dismantling Global Hindutva
                                                                      RSS Military Force

  In the Sangh’s mission statement, Hedgewar wrote: “The Hindu culture is the life-breath of Hindustan. It is therefore clear that if Hindustan is to be protected, we should first nourish the Hindu culture. It is the duty of every Hindu to do his best to consolidate the Hindu society.” In 1927, RSS co-founder — Dr. B.S. Moonje — described the RSS as an institution which could produce “the military regeneration of the Hindus” and unify the people in line with “the idea of fascism.” In 1940, M.S Golwalkar succeeded Hedgewar as head of the RSS.





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